Cyber Security Tip 4: Stay Up-to-Date on Security Patches

October 23, 2023 WCC Office of Information Technology Services

Cyber Security Awareness Month

During National Cyber Security Awareness Month, the WCC Information Technology Services (ITS) department is sharing messages to increase your security awareness. Today’s message is about keeping software and apps up-to-date on security patches. 

See previous messages: Week 1Week 2 Week 3 


One of the easiest ways to boost your cyber security is to always keep software and apps updated. 

Every day, software and app developers focus on keeping their users and products secure. They’re constantly looking for clues that hackers are trying to break into their systems, or they are searching for holes where cybercriminals could sneak in, even if they’ve never been breached before. To fix these issues and improve security for everyone who uses their services, upstanding software companies release regular updates.  

If you install the latest updates for devices, software, and apps, not only are you getting the best security available, but you also ensure that you get access to the latest features and upgrades. However, you can only benefit if you update! Don’t fret, updating software is easy, and you can even make it automatic.    

ITS updates all WCC computers with patches for operating systems and applications. Here are three easy-to-remember tips to keep in mind when it comes to your personal computers:  


You don’t have to check your Settings tab every morning – you can usually set up automatic updates so that updates are downloaded and installed as soon as they are available from the device, software, or app creator. Note that you might have to restart your device for the updates to fully install. It is best to do this right away, but you can often schedule this to happen during times when you aren’t using your device, like the middle of the night. Plenty of us stay lazy and secure – although you probably should check your software update settings every so often (quarterly is good) to ensure everything is set to your liking!  


Before downloading anything, especially software and app updates, be sure you know the source. Only download software to your computer from verified sources, and only download software and apps from your device’s official app store.  


Even if you don’t have automatic software updates turned on, make updating your device, software, and apps a regular habit. Oftentimes, you will be notified that updates are available. Even if it is a pain to close out of your programs and restart your device, it is worth it to do this right away, especially if the update patches an urgent security flaw. You should check your app and device settings on a regular basis, and you should check monthly if you don’t have automatic updates turned on (although weekly is better). Remember that updates are part of our digital lifecycle, and if you embrace them, you’ll have more peace of mind, the latest security, and the best new features!  

Instructions on how to update your devices and software can be found in these direct links: 

Want even more tips on patching your systems and apps? Watch this 1-minute video. 

If you have questions or need assistance, contact ITS at [email protected] or 734-973-3456. 

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