Avoiding Spring Break Burnout: 3 Tips to Stay Motivated

March 5, 2024 labmitchell

For many students, it can be hard to feel motivated after coming back to school from a break. If you feel like you’re struggling with regaining momentum after taking some time off, here are three tips to stay motivated through the end of the semester:

1) Set Clear Goals: After returning from spring break, take some time to reassess your academic and personal goals for the semester. Try to break these goals down into smaller tasks that you can complete each week.

2) Get Back into a Routine: Try using a planner to create a schedule. Creating a schedule can help ensure you use your time efficiently and avoid procrastination.

3) Hold Yourself Accountable: Try forming a study group with your classmates, attending your professor’s office hours, or meeting with a tutor in the Learning Commons.

Staying motivated after returning from spring break requires intentionality, goal-setting and accountability. By setting clear goals, creating a routine, and spending time with people who can hold you accountable, you can regain your momentum and stay motivated through the end of the semester.

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