Agnes and Stephen Reading gift additional $1 million, now funding 20 full-ride nursing scholarships
Fran LeFort - January 09, 2024
Agnes and Stephen Reading have endowed an additional $1 million to double the size of the Reading Nursing Scholarship program for Washtenaw Community College students.
View Post : Agnes and Stephen Reading gift additional $1 million, now funding 20 full-ride nursing scholarshipstags: Donation, Nursing, WCC Foundation, Reading Scholars, March 2024, Scholarships, On The Record

$1 million gift from Agnes and Stephen Reading creates 10 annual nursing scholarships
Fran LeFort - December 16, 2021
A $1 million gift to the Washtenaw Community College Foundation by Agnes and Stephen Reading will fund 10 annual full-ride scholarships for WCC nursing students. The Ann Arbor philanthropists are longtime supporters of WCC.
View Post : $1 million gift from Agnes and Stephen Reading creates 10 annual nursing scholarshipstags: Scholarships, Donation, Nursing, On The Record, January 2022, Reading Scholars, WCC Foundation