In recognition of national Community College Month, Ann Arbor mayor Christopher Taylor issued a proclamation urging citizens "to recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions" that Washtenaw Community College makes to the community.

The proclamation was presented by Ann Arbor City Council member Jane Lumm to WCC President Dr. Rose B. Bellanca at the President’s Leadership Luncheon held on campus on Wednesday, April 3.
The full text of the proclamation:
Honoring Washtenaw Community College During National Community College Month, April 2019
WHEREAS, President Ronald Reagan, in 1986, penned the first National Community College Month proclamation, commending the enormous contributions two-year colleges make “to the strength, vitality, and prosperity of our Nation” by providing “educational opportunities at costs and locations accessible to all who are qualified”; and
WHEREAS, Washtenaw Community College is continually among the top community colleges in the state based on performance metrics that include enrollment, affordability, student success and economic impact. It offers more than 470 classes each year for personal enrichment and professional development. It was listed among the 30 best online community colleges in the nation and among the top 100 producers of minority associate degrees in 2018; and
WHEREAS, For more than 50 years, Washtenaw Community College has offered services that benefit our entire community, including: training for job seekers and re-training for those already employed; more than 200 articulation agreements with four-year universities; Adult Transitions programs for those seeking to acquire a GED or otherwise upskill; customized training for local companies; scholarships, grants and other sources of financial assistance for students; support services that help students stay in school; and free classes for city residents 65 and older; and
WHEREAS, Washtenaw Community College has an estimated overall economic impact of $524 million in Washtenaw County, employs nearly 1,600 full- and part-time faculty and staff members, and hosted 4,199 community events and welcomed 82,618 visitors in 2018.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Christopher Taylor, Mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, do hereby proclaim April 2019 as the month during which we celebrate Washtenaw Community College, and urge all citizens to recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to our community made by this extraordinary institution.
I hereby set my hand and seal
This 1st day of April, 2019
Christopher Taylor
Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor