IWT 130: Introduction to Computers

This course is designed for participants who have never (or rarely) used a computer. Working in Windows 7, participants will learn about common computer terminology, hardware and software. This course is structured to maximize the student's understanding of computers through a lecture-based and hands-on approach. Topics include keyboarding, how to use a mouse, file management (how to create, save, move, delete, and manipulate files), basic word processing (Microsoft Word), how to back up files to a CD, how to transfer files using a USB flash drive, how to set up an LCD projector, and how to send and receive e-mail. This course will not include PowerPoint, Access or Excel. Limited to Ironworker Instructor Training program participants.

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6


Description Hours
Credits  1.5
Lecture Hours 22.5
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 0
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 22.5
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