Welcome to WCC Budget & Purchasing! We serve WCC’s students, faculty, staff, and the community by ensuring our procurement process is fair, prudent, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and Federal regulations.
Our staff strives to conduct business with professionalism, integrity, and teamwork. We make decisions in the College’s best interest and maximize the use of public funds to the fullest extent possible.
What are our responsibilities?
- Manage the college’s annual budget development process to ensure its alignment with the strategic plan, from initial budget development to ongoing budget monitoring and analysis
- Provide long-range financial projections for Board of Trustees and executive level planning
- Oversee Purchasing Card (P-Card), vendor contact information, and purchase orders
- Post bids, Request for Proposals (RFPs), and Request for Quotations (RFQs).
- Answer questions regarding requisitions and processing
- Address issues with Auxiliary Services, including:
- Bookstore
- Copy Center
- Subway
- Java Spot
- SC Spot
- Vending
- Fabulous Foods