We had another grab-and-gulp breakfast on June 13 as we had to catch our flight to Lima. Arriving early turned out to be a good idea, as it took us an hour to check-in our bags. Unlike the previous day the skies were clear and our flight left on time. If the skies had not been clear our flight would have been delayed. We arrived in Lima where we were driven to our hotel. After settling in for a while, my roommate and I decided to search for a place to buy water.
We walked down the street to the ocean. Near the shoreline was as a shopping mall. Despite being very upscale we could not seem to find water anywhere. As we sat down to try and figure out the next place to try and find water, we encountered two of our classmates just leaving T.G.I. Friday’s. They located a market on the lower level where we went to purchase our water, and I got a pint of Cookies n’ Cream ice cream!
That evening, we took three taxis to Dr. Guillen’s house for a pizza dinner. We had pizza, talked about our adventures, and petted her black cat (when it was not trying to get at the pizza on the table). We received vests from Dr. Guillen as a thank you gift for coming down to work at Centro Mallqui.