Jaysa Wegrzyn
Occupation/Title: Patient Care Technician
Place of Work: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital-Ann Arbor, Emergency Room
WCC Degree in Progress: Collaborate ADN/BSN Program (WTMC graduate)
Anticipated Graduation: 2022
How has your job changed?
I feel like, in a way, this has made all of us closer than ever. From techs, nurses, physicians, providers, all of us know we are in this together no matter how impossible it may seem or look. We’re stronger. We persevere. We keep pushing forward. It’s a totally different atmosphere, we learned how to smile with our eyes.
How has your life changed?
It’s a weird time. Sometimes frustrating. Coming home and not being able to do anything until I strip and shower, so I don’t bring this home to my own family. This is the longest time I haven’t seen my parents, my siblings, my grandparents, my cousins. Not being able to feel the hug from my loved ones, I will never take it for granted once this is over.
What's the hardest thing to deal with?
The hardest thing to deal with is media. I’m tired of people being so political about this situation. I’m tired of people making assumptions when there is none to be made. I want America to come together during this time, not be split apart by politics (like it already is). This is a hard time for a lot of people, and it’s unfair for everyone to say they have our backs, then don’t. It’s hard being so outgoing and have some people being legitimately scared of me. I cannot wait to just be in public around people, smiling, high fiving, hugging. It surely is a weird time.
One thing you wish the public knew about healthcare workers?
Healthcare workers are here for you. WE ARE STRONG. Rain, sun, shine, pandemic. We are HERE. We are willing to put our health and our families at risk to help you and YOUR family. So, keep helping us by doing what’s right. Stay home, hug your families, since we can’t.
One thing you wish the public knew about COVID-19?
WASH YOUR HANDS! Please don’t touch your phone while wearing gloves, you’re defeating the purpose. It is here. And IT’S REAL. This is NOT fake. People are DYING. Don’t leave unless you need to. Stop making assumptions and listen to the facts. This is a terrifying time for many people, don’t invalidate that based on an opinion. Stay safe and healthy everyone. Don’t forget we always have your back! #EDStrong
Scroll through more Our Heroes photos below. Read more Q&As with Our Heroes at wccent.edu/news/heroes.

We invite all WCC students and alumni working in healthcare, as a first responder or in other essential work roles to participate in "Our Heroes" by submitting a photograph, name, place of work, WCC program and year of graduation (or expected graduation) to WCC Director of Communications [email protected].