Grief and Loss

You may have stumbled upon this page or perhaps you were sent this link from a caring instructor. Please know that WCC cares and we are here to help. If you have lost a loved one, please accept our deepest condolences. Grief and loss impact us all differently. There is not a timeline of when someone “should” stop grieving. There also is not a limit as to what someone can grieve over. Grief and loss can include the passing of a family pet, the loss of a job, divorce, friendship/relationship conflict, and many more.

You may already be familiar with the 5 stages of grief. This was developed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a psychiatrist who worked with terminally ill patients. Many people often think that the 5 stages of grief are linear and meant to be completed in order. However, the process of grief is unique for everyone and many people may not experience all 5 stages. Some people may experience all 5 stages and cycle back through revisiting particular stages. Below you can see the “typical” arc of the grief cycle with all 5 stages represented; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance.

Kübler-Ross 5 stages of grief
Kubler-Ross, Doctors and the 7 day NHS | Oxford Medical Training (

We know that there is not one specific thing that can take away the pain we may feel as we go through the grief process. However, there are things we can do to help ease some of the pain of grief by seeking out internal and external support. Below are some simple suggestions that we have found helpful.

  • Prioritize self-care (exercise, nutrition, sleep)
  • Take time to understand your grief: Review the Mourner’s bill of rights
  • Stay connected with others: Talk with trusted friends, consider grief support groups or counseling
  • Acknowledge your grief in a non-judgmental way: Practice mindfulness meditation
  • Find a way to express your grief: Journal about your feelings

Resources for Grief

Personal Counseling at WCC for students enrolled in the current semester.

Coming Back, a grief and loss focused podcast.

Grieve Well is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting those who may be grieving. They offer support groups and various resources to assist those who are affected by loss.

Grief Share offers support groups.

Mourner’s bill of rights

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