No return to normal

July 14, 2020 WCC Counselors

Mind Your Mental Health

It's hard to face the current reality, but we will not be returning to a "normal" after COVID-19. If we think about it, a lot about our former life was really not normal — the frantic place, relating to technology not people, buying stuff we don't need, the inequalities and injustices, etc.

It's OK to begin to grieve our old life. We need to adapt what psychologist Marsha Linehan calls "radical acceptance." Radical acceptance is where we accept the "reality of the moment." It does not mean we don't try to change things, nor does it mean we suppress emotions, but calls for us to "feel" without judgement.

Accepting what we cannot change allows us to focus on what we can. Radical acceptance is radical truth. Linehan says: "You can't change anything if you don't accept it, because if you don't accept it, you'll try to change something else that you think is reality." Radical acceptance can be freeing. Accepting our former lives is a great first step to grieving what was, and helps us make the changes needed for better health and wellness.

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