Creating/Changing a Course Checklist

This guide can be used for assistance when completing a Master Syllabus submission in CurricUNET(Note: this page is under review as of 5/16/22. Please contact the C&A Office at 734-973-3706 or email [email protected] for more information.)

  • Course Discipline Code, Title

    Be sure to select the course discipline code with "Active" and the course number with "Active" in the descriptions. If in doubt, please contact the C&A Office and we will confirm you have selected  the correct course.

  • Submission Type
    Select the correct submission type from the dropdown menu.
    1. If you have completed an assessment report and are updating the master syllabus, select "Three-year syllabus review."
    2. If you have determined that the current assessment plan is outdated and does not provide meaningful assessment data, and the master syllabus must be updated prior to assessing the course, please select "Three-year syllabus review."
    3. If you are proposing a change to the course without assessing the course first, please select "Course change."
  • Rationale

    Please describe the reason for submitting this course proposal or master syllabus update.

  • Division Code, Department Code, and Organization (Org) Number

    Please confirm these sections are correct.

  • Don't Publish in Catalog, Time Schedule or on the Web

    If the course should not appear in publication or on the web, mark the appropriate box. Otherwise, leave blank.

  • Reason for Submission Section

    Check the box next to the main reason for submission.

  • Total Contact Hours -the total number of hours is increasing or decreasing.

    Distribution of contact hours - the hours remains the same, but the allocation of how they are used is changing.

  • Rationale for course or course change

    Provide an explanation for the new course or change to an existing course. Attach additional documentation if necessary.

  • Approval Signatures

    A Course/Syllabus form must have signatures from the Faculty/Preparer, Department Chair, and the Dean before it can be sent to the Office of Curriculum and Assessment for approval. Dean's must give permission for conditional approval by marking the box "Request for conditional approval" in this section.

  • Credit Hours

    List the credit hours. Variable credit is used for co-op or study problems.

  • Instructor contact hours per semester

    Show the distribution of hours and write the total. The C & A office can provide a list of classification types available for "other" hours if needed.

  • Grading options

    Select an option.

  • Prerequisites

    • Select a box to indicate the type of reading & writing scores needed. College Level Entrance Scores. All 100 and 200 level courses (except when specified otherwise) require the minimum College Level Entrance Scores in reading and writing, or completion of the equivalent developmental courses with a grade of "C", "P" (pass), or "S" (satisfactory). No Basic Skills Prerequisites. These courses do not have level I or level II prerequisites and do not require a minimum college level score to register for them. These are generally courses which are taken for personal interest.

    • Indicate if level I or II for all prerequisites. Level I Prerequisites. These are preparatory courses or placement tests that must be successfully completed before students are allowed to enroll in a course. They are enforced by the registration system. Level II Prerequisites. These courses, placement tests, or conditions are required before enrolling in a course, and are not enforced by the registration system, but will be checked by the instructor on the first day of class. Concurrent Prerequisite. When "concurrently" or "may enroll concurrently" appears next to a prerequisite, students will be allowed to register for the course if they have successfully completed the prerequisite course in a prior semester or are enrolling in the prerequisite course in the same semester.


  • Corequisites

    List the course(s) which must be taken concurrently with this course. Co-requisite courses must be taken during the same semester as the listed course. A registration will not be processed if there is a co-requisite course for which the student is not registered. If the student must repeat the listed course or its co-requisite, the registration system requires the student to register for both courses.

  • Enrollment Restrictions

    Note any that apply. Consent required. If this phrase appears in a course entry, the student must get approval from the instructor and/or department to register for the course, in addition to any prerequisites that are listed. If instructor consent is required, the registration system does not check the prerequisites on the student's record. It is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure all the requirements have been met. If instructor consent is optional, prerequisites are enforced by the registration system. Instructor consent is a requirement for all co-op, field experience, internship, and practicum courses.

  • Syllabus for transfer evaluation

    List the schools to which the C & A office should send a syllabus for a transfer equivalency evaluation. Indicate the course number and title for which an equivalency is being sought. Only courses that have Full Approval may request the transfer.

  • General Education

    Select an area and write explanations for each of the criteria listed.

  • Honors Section

    Indicate the criteria which apply.

  • Course description

    Brief statement of the purpose and content of the course. (Please limit to 500 characters.)

  • Course Outcomes

    Read the explanation for each section and respond accordingly.

  • Content Outline

    Indicate the major instructional objectives organized by topic, module, or unit.

  • Resources

    List new resources needed - including library resources, equipment, supplies - to support the course.

  • Student Materials

    Write the materials students will need and the approximate cost.

  • Equipment/Facilities

    Check the levels and facilities that will be used.

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