
These are some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive at the Curriculum and Assessment Office related to assessment. If you do not find the answer to your question, please contact us.

  1. I've never done assessment before. Where do I start?
    First, check with your department chair to find out what responsibility you have for assessment in your area. Then, if you are responsible for implementing assessment for a course or program, start by reading through the information on this website, especially the link Steps to Developing an Assessment Plan. Members of the Assessment Committee are always available to help with the process.

  2. How do I find out what the current assessment plan/results are for my course or program?
    Course assessment plans can be found in the most recently approved master syllabus, which can be found on the Master Syllabi pages of the C&A website. The results of previous assessments can be found on the Course Assessment Reports pages of the C&A website. Program assessment plans and program assessment reports can be found on the Program Information pages of the C&A website. Please consult your department chair to confirm assessment plans and/or results, including when course and programs should be assessed as well as the data collection process.

  3. Who is responsible for doing assessment in my area?
    All faculty departments are responsible for implementing assessment activities in their areas (see Assessment Responsibility). Department chairs determine individual assignments for overseeing course and program assessment, but all faculty are expected to participate in the assessment process as appropriate.

  4. Where do I submit assessment-related forms?
    All program forms should be submitted to the Curriculum & Assessment Office, Student Center Building, Room 257 or emailed to [email protected]. Course assessment reports are submitted via CurricUNET.

  5. How do we report our data and assessment results?
    Data and assessment results should be reported using CurricUNET (for course assessment), the Program Assessment Report Form, or the General Education Assessment Report Form. Please remember to upload or attach the assessment data and any scoring rubrics that were used.

  6. When must I submit my assessment plans or results?
    All new courses or programs submitted to the Curriculum Committee for approval should include a detailed assessment plan. Existing courses/programs that have no plans should be addressed immediately. Results for course assessment should be reported at least each time a master syllabus is submitted to Curriculum Committee for changes or for a three-year review. Program results should be reported every four years. However, any time assessment activity occurs, please document results and submit them to the Curriculum & Assessment Office.

  7. How long must we keep our assessment data?
    Because assessment data is an important part of the reaccreditation process, please keep your data until the completion of the next HLC visit in 2029.

  8. What should I do if my department needs help with assessment?
    Contact anyone on the Assessment Steering Committee or your department's assessment liaison. Members of the Assessment Steering Committee are always available to meet with departments or faculty to create or improve assessment plans or analyze data. Funds are also available on a limited basis to assist departments in starting new assessment initiatives. The Curriculum & Assessment Office is also available to assist you as you plan and complete your assessment reports.

  9. I teach in an area that does not involve any courses that meet the general education requirements. Do I still participate in general education assessment?
    At this time, general education (gen ed) assessment is administered in courses meeting the general education requirements.  As we develop our understanding of assessment, we will consider ways we might improve assessment by collecting useful data in other areas. Until then, you probably will not participate.

  10. How often do courses, programs, and the general education areas have to be assessed?
    Assessment occurs on the schedule outlined in Course, Program and General Education Assessment. Courses should be assessed on the same cycle as that for the three-year master syllabus review. Thus, each course will be assessed at least once every three years. Each time a master syllabus comes to Curriculum Committee for review (whether for a major change or for the three-year review), it should be accompanied by a course assessment report showing assessment activity and results. Programs should be assessed every four years. General education areas are assessed every other year.

  11. What forms must I fill out regarding assessment?
    To update the existing assessment plan for a course , update the course using CurricUNET. For a program, complete the Program Assessment Plan Change Form. To report results for assessment of a course, complete the course assessment report in CurricUNET. To report results for assessment of a program, complete the Program Assessment Report Form.

  12. What should I do if the current course or program assessment plan is outdated?
    Please contact a member of the Assessment Committee to examine the current assessment plan and formulate next steps.

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