Admissions period opens for WTMC 2022-2023 school year
Fran LeFort - December 09, 2021
Enrollment and information sessions for Washtenaw Technical Middle College (WTMC) located on the Washtenaw Community College (WCC) campus begin Tuesday, Dec. 7, for prospective new students and parents.
View Post : Admissions period opens for WTMC 2022-2023 school yeartags: admissions, high school, Dual-Enrollment, wtmc

Huron High School counselor Caitlin Van Cleve wins first WCC Bridge Award
Rich Rezler - December 06, 2019
One WCC student and one WCC alumnus/employee each took time to honor the high school counselor that positively impacted their lives at the college's annual High School Partners Breakfast.
View Post : Huron High School counselor Caitlin Van Cleve wins first WCC Bridge Awardtags: High School Partners Breakfast, WCC Bridge Award, ousearch_News_2019, Award, high school, high school counselors