Manufacturing Day at WCC showcases high-demand jobs, educational pathways at WCC
Fran LeFort - October 05, 2024
Approximately 160 local high school students visited WCC on Manufacturing Day to learn about high-demand careers in advanced manufacturing and the educational pathways to help them achieve their goals.
View Post : Manufacturing Day at WCC showcases high-demand jobs, educational pathways at WCCtags: Advanced Manufacturing, Robotics, Welding and Fabrication, Mechatronics, Welding

Hot Jobs: WCC partners with industry to fuel talent pipeline
Fran LeFort - December 29, 2022
WCC has always prioritized its partnerships with industry. But in a market where the need for skilled workers is greater than ever, the relationship seems more and more symbiotic.
View Post : Hot Jobs: WCC partners with industry to fuel talent pipelinetags: Launch, Apprenticeship Programs, Computer Science, Apprenticeships, Launch Winter 2023, Skilled Trades, Advanced Manufacturing, Workforce Development, Robotics