Reconnect, FAME changed student's life
WCC Public Relations - December 20, 2023
Andrew Denton is on a new path to a rewarding career in the advanced manufacturing industry, and the Michigan Reconnect Scholarship, coupled with some hard work, is to thank.
View Post : Reconnect, FAME changed student's lifetags: Launch, 2023, Student Success, Scholarship, Michigan Reconnect, Launch Winter 2023

Alumni Profile: Advanced Manufacturing graduate fine-tuning his career
WCC Public Relations - December 15, 2023
Like many people, Felipe Agurto wandered along life’s path for a while before finding the right direction for his career. After graduating from high school on the west side of the state, Agurto enrolled in the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering but soon discovered it wasn’t really what he wanted to do.
View Post : Alumni Profile: Advanced Manufacturing graduate fine-tuning his careertags: Launch, Alumni Profile, Launch Winter 2023, Advanced Manufacturing, 2023

Thinking about a new career? Re-imagine your calling at WCC
Kayla Gahagan - December 31, 2022
Considering a career change? Why not now, and why not Washtenaw Community College?
View Post : Thinking about a new career? Re-imagine your calling at WCCtags: Student Success, Center for Career Success, Launch, Launch Winter 2023, Student Services

Health Care Programs: Preparing students to help others
Kayla Gahagan - December 29, 2022
WCC offers an array of certificates and associate degrees allowing students to go directly into the workforce or transfer to a four-year school to continue their education.
View Post : Health Care Programs: Preparing students to help otherstags: December 2022, Health Administration, Nursing, On The Record, Health Care, Physical Therapist Assistant, Cardiac Telemetry, Radiography, Launch, Launch Winter 2023, Sterile Processing, Surgical Technology

ZOLLER investing in WCC and its own future workforce
Fran LeFort - December 29, 2022
ZOLLER is donating more than $200,000 in equipment to train WCC students on state-of-the-art tool measuring and inspection machines while developing a robust apprenticeship program that will hire and train 4-6 students each year for high-demand careers.
View Post : ZOLLER investing in WCC and its own future workforcetags: Apprenticeships, Apprenticeship Programs, Workforce Development, Launch Winter 2023, Advanced Manufacturing, Launch

Hot Jobs: WCC partners with industry to fuel talent pipeline
Fran LeFort - December 29, 2022
WCC has always prioritized its partnerships with industry. But in a market where the need for skilled workers is greater than ever, the relationship seems more and more symbiotic.
View Post : Hot Jobs: WCC partners with industry to fuel talent pipelinetags: Launch, Apprenticeship Programs, Computer Science, Apprenticeships, Launch Winter 2023, Skilled Trades, Advanced Manufacturing, Workforce Development, Robotics